New Providence Resident members pay an upfront ‘Capital Contribution’ and then a reduced annual membership rate over the life of their membership.
Non-New Providence Residents are not required to pay a Capital Contribution and therefore their annual membership rates are higher to account for this.
2024 Rates
Non-New Providence Residents Annual Membership Fees:
* Special early-bird discount rate if payment received by April 15
Regular rate if payment received after April 15
Family Membership= *$822/$967
Adult couple and their unmarried children under 22
Two-person Household Membership = *$640/$753
Two adults residing together, or one adult and their unmarried child under 22 years
Single Membership = *$507/$596
Individual 8th grade graduate and/or 14 years or older
Senior Citizen Membership = not available
Nanny Membership = *$387/$456
Add-on to appropriate membership above. Nanny accompanies children on weekdays only. Not valid for use on weekends.
You are welcome to invite guests to accompany you to enjoy The Pool.
Any ‘local guest' who lives in New Providence, Berkeley Heights, Chatham Township or Summit is limited to a total of 3 visits each season, regardless of which NPCP Member brings them to The Pool.
There is no visit limit for your 'non-local’ guests who live outside of these four towns.
Guest passes are only valid for the current season.
Purchase guest passes at the door:
Weekdays: $18. Free entry for children under 3 years of age.
Weekends and Public Holidays: $20.
After 5:00pm any day: $10.
Each guest is required to complete a digital guest waiver on the day of their pool visit. For guests under 18, the digital guest waiver must be signed by a legal guardian. All digital guest waivers should be completed, including the verification of e-signature via email, before arrival at the pool. Upon arrival at the pool, guests will register at the pool entrance with the member they are accompanying and show photo identification.
Any NPCP Members found to be intentionally misrepresenting their membership will not be tolerated and risks having their Membership revoked and not refunded. As NPCP is a private, not-for-profit organization, run by members, for members, we rely on the integrity of our Members to ensure everyone contributes fairly to enjoy the benefits of their pool membership and ensure the continued financial viability of the The Pool.
Paying your Annual Membership Fees
STEP 1: Payment is made online using CommunityPass electronic payment tool. A credit card processing fee of 3% will be charged. NPCP specifically uses the New Providence CommunityPass site. Please note: If you already have a CommunityPass account from another organization or community (eg Berkeley Heights CommunityPass), please use your existing CommunityPass username and password to also log into New Providence CommunityPass; you will not need to create another CommunityPass account.
You MUST merge all your CommunityPass accounts (New Providence account and account from other towns) if the password and usernames are different. Make sure you know the username and password for all your accounts prior to starting the merging process. If you are unsure of your user information, contact newprovcommunitypool@gmail.com. Login with the username that you want to keep (from any town account), go to “Update Account” and then click “Family merge” on the left. Follow instructions to merge. Please make sure that you choose “New Providence CommunityPass”
If you have never used CommunityPass before, select ‘Create an Account’.
For returning NPCP members, remember to use your previous season’s New Providence CommunityPass account– do not create a new account.
Contact newprovcommunitypool@gmail.com with any questions regarding membership or if 1) you are not sure you have more than one account, or 2) you have never paid online for previous years’ membership, but wish to do so this year, as our administrative staff may have created an online CommunityPass account for you already.
STEP 2: Select the appropriate membership category under “Community Pool – YYYY”. Make sure all members of your family are associated with a pool membership category, otherwise they will not be registered as pool members.
STEP 3: Review your membership category on the last page, prior to payment.
If you are unable to register and pay online: complete this membership form Non-New Providence Resident's Registration Form, pay by check or credit card at The Pool Admin Office or mail into ‘New Providence Community Pool and Recreation, Inc., P.O. Box 744, New Providence, NJ 07974’. The Pool administrators will create a New Providence CommunityPass account on your behalf (or use the existing one from prior years). Remember to include your address and email details on the back of the check/form so your CommunityPass account information, receipt, and notifications can be sent to your email. To take advantage of the early payment membership discount rates, payment must be received or postmarked within the appropriate discount rate time frame in order for that discount to apply. If not, the membership will need to be withdrawn and re-registered for payment at the appropriate current rate. There may be a delay incashing the check payment. You will recieve a confirmation email via Community Pass once the payment has been processed.
All transactions are final and refunds will not be issued. A credit card processing fee of 3% will be charged. If there is a medical condition that prohibits a member from using the pool, a doctor's note must be presented to The NPCP Board of Trustees for review. If the request is approved the refund will be made by check only, regardless of original payment method and will be subjected to a processing fee.